Imagine a drifting mass of plastic and rubber 34 times the size of the Netherlands. more »
International Monetary Fund (IMF) statistical experts are working with officials of the Bank of Botswana (BOB) and of the Nonbank Financial Regulatory Agency (NBFIRA) to improve the breadth and quality of data collected from the financial industry. more »
The European Union and Argentina have today signed in Buenos Aires a final settlement of the WTO dispute that Argentina brought against the EU in May 2003 regarding the application of its legislation on biotech products. more »
The inauguration of Chile's new president was a moving moment for the EU's new commissioner for humanitarian aid - in more ways than one. more »
Between 2001 and 2008, Morocco enjoyed the benefits of sound economic management and reforms. Its growth rate doubled from the 1990s to an average of 5.1%, while per capita income also doubled to $2,850 in 2008. more »
Thoung Ly ward in the bustling port city of Haiphong, Vietnam, is bordered by a sludgy grey canal that flows into the sea with the waste of those who live beside it. more »
In the half century since its independence, Tunisia has made major economic and social advances, including a quadrupling of per capita gross domestic product (GDP) and an increase in life expectancy to near developed country levels. more »
The stalled Middle East peace talks dominated the sixth plenary session of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly (EMPA), in Jordan (12-14 March). more »
The EU Solidarity Fund must be mobilised "in the most urgent and flexible way and to the greatest possible extent" to help the areas hit by severe storms in February, as soon as the national governments have submitted their aid requests, said MEPs in Strasbourg on Thursday morning. more »
During the cold war the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) was the cornerstone of international efforts to control the balance of nuclear bomb-making technology. more »