At least 29 children are dead after fire swept through a nursery in the Mexican city of Hermosillo. more »
The Czech Prime Minister and President of the European Council Jan Fischer will visit Brussels on 8 and 9 June 2009. more »
Election results. The week will see the completion of elections counts for the 2009 European Parliament elections and the announcement of official results. more »
The President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering has made a statement welcoming the speech in Cairo of President Barack Obama, and also the statement on the Middle East last week by US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. more »
The Brazilian airforce surveys the area of the wreckage of an Air France flight carrying 228 people that plunged into the Atlantic Ocean off Brazil. But investigators warned the full story behind France's worst air disaster may never be known. more »
From 4th to 7th June, 375 million voters in 27 countries will determine the direction of Europe for the next 5 years. An unprecedented range of information sources will help them make their choice. more »
The European Commission has allocated €8 million to support vulnerable people affected by the breakdown of essential health and water supply services in Zimbabwe. more »
A search is underway for an airliner that's missing over the Atlantic. Flight AF 447 had 228 people on board, including 12 crew. It left Rio de Janeiro on Sunday evening local time and was expected in Paris on Monday at 09.15 GMT. more »
The U.S. on Tuesday said North Korea will pay a price if it does not reverse course. more »
Some 500 people have been driven from their homes in southern Chile, where four rivers were overflowing their banks. more »