According to a new Pew Research Survey, President Obama has the most polarized early job approval ratings of any president in the past four decades. more »
Sunday saw voters in Europe's poorest country Moldova head to the polls to elect a new Parliament. more »
EU leaders, meeting in Prague with US President Obama, strongly condemned North Korea's missile launch and traded views on the economy, climate change, energy, and trade. more »
North Korea may have failed in its attempts to launch a satellite into space. But its actions have sparked international outrage. more »
Residents in central Italy wake up to scenes of devastation. Dozens are dead from a powerful earthquake and the death toll is expected to rise. The quake hit the region in the early hours of the morning. more »
Not far from the 60th anniversary celebrations, anti-NATO protesters ran riot in Strasbourg setting fire to a French border post and vandalising other local properties. more »
At an immigration services center in Binghamton, New York, a lone gunman armed with at least two handguns opened fire on as many as 54 people inside the building-- killing at least 13 people. more »
Two days of debates in Brussels opened with a minute's silence for the estimated 300 migrants who drowned last week whilst trying to land on Europe's shores. more »
This has been a defining moment for the world's crisis response. more »
MEPs backed plans to expand the use of the EU's eco-label or “EU flower” labelling scheme by making it less costly and easier to use. more »