E.Kuniavichene, "moderate" conservative, has shared her opinion about the Lithuanian budget
14 July 2000 y., Friday
E.Kuniavichene, "moderate" conservative, has shared her attitude on the Lithuanian budget: tax collection was 26 % lower than it was in the similar period of 1998 in June. We of course go back to 1998 not by accident: vagnorists then were in zenith of authority. And the national economy, as they consider nowadays, was in zenith of prosperity; but soon the Russian crisis came and spoiled everything.
40 % increase in unemployment and 3 billions Lt of internal budget debt are all the result of the “new policy”. Taking into account this debt total liabilities of the state reach 36 % from GNP. The country is inclined to the level of 1995-96. If during four years of a cadence the left have saved up debt of 7 billion, the followers G.Vagnorius during one year have added 3,5 billion to it." Having such statistics it is possible to declare that the finance of the country is a zone of disaster and to give the name of Disastrous policy the New policy,” E.Kuniavichene thinks.
The present cabinet is continuing a rigid fiscal policy and "notorious liberalization" by that was started by R.Paksas and the refusal of which might be the reason of such a pitiable position. Thanks to G.Vagnorius’s "severe actions" and fines that are imposed and flying checks, during one and half year of his board the average salary has grown half as much again and 38 thousand new workplaces were created.
According to her, the strategy A.Kubilius has offered has nothing in common with economy. Economy is refusal of unnecessary charges. However, reduction of pensions and grants, of salaries to teachers and doctors is not economy, but reduction of financing, which, in its turn, leads to reduction of tax proceeds. Under such circumstances intention of the government to mitigate penalties for malicious tax evasion twice must be considered as full capitulation before smugglers with which G.Vagnorius struggled so vigorously, - E.Kuniavichene thinks.
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