Mobile phone text messagers raising millions for Asian tsunami victims
2 January 2005 y., Sunday
Italian mobile phone users were reported to have donated more than 11 million euros (15 million dollars) for the victims of the Asian tsunamis through a text messaging arrangement that seemed to be setting a trend in other countries.
The Milan daily Corriere della Sera said Italians could contribute one euro to tsunami disaster relief every time they send a text message to a special number, thanks to a scheme sponsored by the country's four mobile phone companies and its main television channels.
Organizers of Germany's biggest New Year's Eve party, held Friday at the landmark Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, said party-goers could make donations to the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF ) by sending a text message to a special number.
Every message featuring the word UNICEF sent to the number will raise 2.65 euros for emergency relief. Up to a million people are expected to attend the event.
In Spain, Telefonica moviles, mobile offshoot of Telefonica, announced it was inviting customers to send messages for 0.90 euros ($1.20) to three non-governmental humanitarian organizations with the company donating the entire proceeds raised from the operation to the victims' fund.
A spokesman said Telefonica moviles had set the system in train on Wednesday and added it would stay in place until the end of January.
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