BZ WBK and Kredyt Bank will most probably change their names later this year
17 March 2005 y., Thursday
BZ WBK and Kredyt Bank will most probably change their names later this year.
It is probable that the decision to do the same will be taken by ING BSK. According to Parkiet, the cost of the whole enterprise for each of the banks will amount to at least zł.10 million. "BZ WBK's new name will favor neither Bank Zachodni nor Wielkopolski Bank Kredytowy. We do not want any of the parties to feel offended. We will base our decision concerning the name on the research and not on our sentiments," said Piotr Gajdziński, BZ WBK's spokesperson.
According to analysts, the decision to change the bank's name might imply that the strategic investor, Irish AIB, is not going to sell it. Kredyt Bank, in turn, is thinking about a name that would show the bank's connection with Grupa KBC. "The change of name could take place by the end of 2005," said Ewa Krawczyk, Kredyt Bank's representative.
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