No more boring Christian videos

Published: 1 October 2008 y., Wednesday, a recently launched online Christian video-sharing community has been upgraded and is now offering Christians and ministries world-wide the ability to upload and host very high quality videos on their website. Videos on GodTuner, which are now converted and stored in high-definition type format, can be viewed on GodTuner's newly redesigned video player offering viewers a truly enjoyable experience. The website now also features a forum area where members can discuss on various topics, receive support from staff and offer suggestions.

And if you have not heard of GodTuner or you do not know what they do, they are a new Christian alternative to YouTube, built to help Christians host their videos online. The website is absolutely free to use and unlike YouTube they do not host un-Christian contents. GodTuner encourages Christian ministries to partner with them so they can spread the Gospel more effectively for in the Bible it says, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” and without doubt, internet videos are great tools to help Christians fulfil this great commission.

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