Traditional School Moves to the Internet

Published: 10 June 2004 y., Thursday
It is so difficult to find necessary lesson schedule on school’s information desk which usually is full with commercial information. Worse if you want to inform your teacher about something but you can’t, because of lack of personal information about him. Teachers are tired of awkward school daybooks, which are too hard to carry everyday. Need to give some extra work for pupils, tomorrow you’ll have a class but be away, want to check out your schedule?..It has no end. And this is traditional modern school.

News: “Penki kontinentai” implements the first unique project of electronic school in Lithuania. This project must change collaboration between teachers and students improve expedition, information search and change such a negative view of school in general.

The new system already exists at Vilnius’ “Þemyna” gymnasium. The project was presented at the gymnasium on the 12 of May – school teachers and students took a look at the new system, got their IDs and passwords. Everybody could try the system and “play” with it, in the real project will start next week ( In the nearest future students’ parents would be introduced to the project. Besides, more cognitive seminars will be arranged for students and teachers, it was only a particular “warm-up” on the 12 of May. 

At the end of the presentation teachers had many questions: were interested in the project’s expansion, in development opportunities, how the project is protected from hackers. Teachers believe that the project will help collaborate with students with expedition, to minimize nonattendance. Schoolchildren were glad with the opportunity to look through lessons schedule, homework exercises, and their marks on the web. Right after students gave their connection data to the e-school they put on steam to try the new system.

Svarbios akimirkos, iðsaugotos internete, bus gyvos amþinai

According to Emilijus Musajevas – head of department on e-commerce projects – the “Penki kontinentai” project is unique and it is connecting schools not only in Vilnius but also in all Lithuania. The project is based on net site technology; i. e. there is no need for special software or supplements to use the system. All you need is a computer with internet access.

Emilijus Musajevas states that the project becomes installed fluently; schools are ready to test it. Three Lithuanian schools will be incorporated into the system till summer. One of the biggest problems is poor computerization of educational institutions. Besides this problem, teachers are afraid of lack of time to fill in the e-daybook, they gave a lot of their attention to preparing for lessons, red-pencilling copybooks, filling in the traditional schoolbook. The project’s coordinators of “Penki kontinentai” suggest to solve this problem by commission of class’ dutiful student which will be responsible for filling in the e-school version, e-class’ arrangement.

Teachers with the help of press-buttons in the instant will take a look through all week’s lessons schedule, will plan their time according to it, all their past lessons, will note the most important subjects of lessons, will view all classes’ pictures and the most useful information also all associates, i. e. other teachers.

Students also can review all week’s lessons schedule, their mark book, schoolmates and teachers, can send visual or regular message to them.

How to Use

“Schedule“– exact week’s lessons’ schedule in which you can find time and name of disciplines, class and its possible description. It helps to plan time.

In the “Class“ rubric the teachers can see class or classes, to which they are preparing lessons, the type of class and name of preceptress, class pictures of students with their personal information (No in the classbook, birth date, by pressing link  “More“ they will see the telephone No, e-mail address, the ICQ No, “MSN Messenger“ or “Yahoo Messenger“ addresses,  ““ name, personal web page’s address, etc.). Right here by several pressings you can send messages to students.

Rubric ”Lessons“ – easy edited discipline book. If you wish to fill schedule with a new lesson you should press button “Add new“, choose the lesson’s date, class, discipline, write down the lesson name and the description, homework. After you’ve made these changes you should press editing window. Discipline book’s editing is complete. After teachers write down students’ marks they can add notes with comments: test, homework, etc. It is practically impossible to delete the mark. In case the student knows the teacher’s registration data and deletes the mark, the teacher will see it. You can’t delete the marks from the system, you can only change them (in a different way) because the system saves the mark’s “history” – when it was written, when it was changed or deleted.

It is possible to establish student’s learning level – high, the highest (advanced) or low (common). It will help in student’s ratings counting.

By pressing button “Class book“ you can edit it depending on marks, other records, separate by date or student. In the book’s summary you should choose date, a name of discipline, class – and you can see month’s lessons’ resume – students’ marks, homework, lesson topics, and descriptions. You can copy this information.

There is all the necessary information about school teaching associates, their discipline, other data in the rubric “Teachers”, you can also send a message to them. You can check new messages in the rubric “Messages”. With the help of web cam you can send video messages. If you want to review or correct information about yourself, you can do it in the rubric “Information”.

This system also will be useful for students. They can see the exact lesson schedule and its changes here.

The rubric “Lessons” will be useful for student who was absent during a lesson or was not so attentive. You can make a review through made appreciation, to see what the lesson topic was or what was for homework. You can separate the lessons resume by a name of discipline or by date. You can take a look on your marks (with pressing disciplines link or choosing rubric “Diary”). You should choose the type of viewing, discipline, press “Summary”, choose the date and then you can see all your marks.


To know the information about your rating (are you the best student, outsider or in the middle) you can in the rubric “My statistics”. There you will find your position by discipline in the class, the school or whole Lithuania (your rating is counted between all Lithuanian e-schools participants in the project). There also will be information about other students with the same rating.

The teachers will have the access to some system’s departments, the students – to other, the left could enjoy the all site’s information; according to that the e-school site’s information will always be updated, new and interesting to the users. The access to the site’s different departments will be restrict.

You can update information of the e-school’s site using the “I-manager” system in your computer or cell phone with WAP.

With the help of web cams in the nearest future you will see on the site lessons video materials, other events. The web cams can be equiped in the classes and at home. It will be useful for those, who are ill and have to stay at home. It will be possible to arrange virtual lessons for couple different schools with the help of the virtual conferences software.

It is very difficult to imagine the nowadays web site without the charts rooms, forums, which are created for teachers, students, parents to dispute or to say their opinion on the different subjects.

There is a possibility of students ID cards releasing. The ID cards with a magnetic tape can be also used like a discount card or a reader card. They can control the students attendance.

The improved system of the e-school will be suggested to the other schools of Lithuania. The iniciators of the project are pupils and students, they know all main problems of educational institutions, and how to improve the work of students and teachers and make it effective and clear. All they got to do is to change a point of view of traditional school‘s teachers to modern technologies and prove that the e-school‘s project will make better relationship between teachers and students. The young project‘s coordinators will appeal to the Ministry of Education and Science for the project‘s implementation in all Lithuania. The projects like this could be useful not only for schools or gymnasiums, but also for the preschool educational institutions, the universities, the imprisonment institutions. “Penki kontinentai“ believes, that today‘s information public is impossible without the real realization of modern school‘s vision.


Šaltinis: Written by Lukas Gudinauskas, translated by Diana Buslovic
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