BS/2 Brings Together Retail Leaders at Retail Business Brunch 2024 in Baku

Published: 10 December 2024 y., Tuesday

An important event for retail trade – Retail Business Brunch 2024, organized by BS/2 Company, took place in Baku on December 5. The forum gathered representatives of major world manufacturers of equipment and solutions for retail, such as Diebold Nixdorf, DATALOGIC, SUNMI, SOTI, and SIS Technology. The event attracted participants from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Bulgaria, Hungary and Lithuania.

Every year retail faces new challenges and technology is becoming an integral part of business transformation. At the event, solutions aimed at increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving service were presented. Emil Musayev, Head of Retail Equipment Sales, noted that automation, artificial intelligence, and machine vision technologies will determine the development of the industry in the coming years.

Nadezhda Forostetskaya, Head of Sales Division of Retail Equipment, presented a report on global trends in retail, focusing on digitalization and AI implementation. In her opinion, such technologies as data analytics and artificial intelligence help companies to optimize processes, personalize offers, and improve customer experience.

Presentations and networking opportunities were an important part of the event. Speakers also included representatives from Diebold Nixdorf, SIS Technology, SOTI, and DATALOGIC, who demonstrated innovative solutions to improve trade performance.

BS/2 will continue to develop technologies that will help companies adapt to new challenges and improve their business.

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