Snoras bank and Penki kontinentai Bankinės technologijos (BS/2) ATM network management and optimization system „ATMiQ“ presented in the ATMIA organized “Europen ATMs” conference which took part in the capital of Great Britain London drew a particular participants’ attention.
Snoras bank and Penki kontinentai Bankinės technologijos (BS/2) ATM network management and optimization system „ATMiQ“ presented in the ATMIA organized “Europen ATMs” conference which took part in the capital of Great Britain London drew a particular participants’ attention. This system is being installed now in Snoras bank which has the forth part of Lithuanian АТМ market. According to Snoras bank vice-president Valdas Monkus, during the London conference they made finally sure, that business solutions created in Lithuania can have an advantage in comparison with West market management solutions.
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