Georgian bank "Basisbank" has ordered the first two "Wincor Nixdorf" ATMs
Georgian bank
"Basisbank" has ordered the first two
"Wincor Nixdorf" ATMs
2050" from
Penkių kontinentų bankinės technologijos, UAB
Thus far the bank has been launching "MasterCard" payment cards and servicing the customers thereof only. In the nearest three months the bank will become the member of "Visa", will start launching "Visa" payments cards and serve the customers thereof. Thus it is useful for the bank to acquire the banking equipment, which is justified to the general EMV standard. Wincor Nixdorf equipment was chosen for this purpose and in the next year expects the bank to expand the network of ATMs.
EMV (EuroPay, MasterCard, Visa) – is a new general standard for the payment cards and all the banks are to migrate to this standard by the end of 2004. This standard will guarantee high protection of the payment cards. BS/2 is one of the exclusive partners of "Visa" in the implementation of EMV migration project.
BS/2 distributes "Wincor Nixdorf" equipment in Lithuania and in twelve countries of the Eastern Europe. Four years in a row BS/2 is acknowledged as the best "Wincor Nixdorf" equipment distributor in the countries of Eastern Europe.
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