BS/2 visited by Wincor Nixdorf representatives

Wincor Nixdorf Regional Sales Manager Ana Pankraz and Head of Maintenance Bernd Wenderoth visited the Penkių kontinentų bankinės technologijos (BS/2) corporate headquarters in Vilnius on July 10-11. more »

Specialists of BS/2 attended "Wincor Nixdorf" technical conference

June 24–27 of this year, specialists from the company "Penkių kontinentų bankinės technologijos" (BS/2) raised their qualification in Germany, in Bad Lippspringe, at the company "Wincor Nixdorf". At the technical conference, held by the world's leading banking hardware manufacturer, BS/2 representatives had an opportunity to hear about the company's innovations, discuss their technical specifications and receive answers to all the questions. more »

International forum on remote services - focus on mobile technologies

4th International Forum „Remote Services, Cards and Payments 2013“ took place in Moscow, which was held by PLUS Journal specializing in finance and banking areas. more »

IT specialists from “Penki kontinentai” have visited Silicon Valley in the USA

Specialists from the Lithuanian IT company “Penki kontinentai” along with business representatives from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia visited Silicon Valley located in the United States of America (USA) and considered to be the cradle of information technology of the USA. Such companies as Advanced Micro Devices, Apple Inc., Cisco Systems, eBay, Google, Hewlett-Packard (HP), Intel, GetJar, Facebook and many others are based here. more »

“Medžio centras” has introduced the first cross loyalty system in Lithuania

Shopping center of finishing products “Medžio centras” located in Vilnius has introduced the first cross loyalty system in Lithuania. This project has been implemented in the specialized shopping center unifying more than 50 different sellers by UAB “ASHBURN International”. more »

“ASHBURN International” is an official INGENICO partner

A company “ASHBURN International” (ASHBURN) has been granted a status of official partner of an international company “INGENICO Group”. more »

“Penkių kontinentų komunikacijų centras” is an official Paessler partner

“Penkių kontinentų komunikacijų centras”, a company owned by the group of companies “Penki kontinentai”, has become an official Paessler partner, distributor of its products and implementer of its solutions. more »

In April, “ASHBURN International” processed a record number of loyalty transactions

“ASHBURN International” (ASHBURN), a company that processes payment cards, installs and maintains loyalty systems as well as e-commerce solutions, processed a record number of transactions involving loyalty cards this April. more »

Annual turnover of the group of companies “Penki kontinentai”: LTL 122.8 million

The group of companies “Penki kontinentai” successfully completed the year 2012. The annual turnover of the company amounted to LTL 122.8 million, which is 5 percent more than in 2011 more »

“Skynet” rewards the most loyal customers

UAB “Penkių kontinentų komunikacijų centras” that manages a fiber-optic network “Skynet” invites you to share warm feelings with the most loyal friends. The company issues a gift to each customer who has been using “Skynet” services since 1996 and notes that it always thinks about its customers and cherishes them more »