Human rights: Guinea Conakry, Iran and Sri Lanka

Published: 23 October 2009 y., Friday

Parliament adopted three urgent resolutions on the need for the EU to impose sanctions further to the violent repression of a demonstration in Guinea Conakry, the abolition of the death penalty in Iran, and access for humanitarian organisations to the 250,000 civilians displaced by the civil war and held in camps in Sri Lanka.


Further to the military junta's violent repression of a demonstration for democracy, MEPs call in a resolution for the EU to impose sanctions (including an arms embargo) against this West African country. In particular, MEPs condemn acts of sexual violence against women and girls.

Parliament calls on the Council to take "appropriate measures", under Article 96 of the Cotonou Agreement, which provides for measures, including suspension of the agreement, in the event of human rights violations or failure to respect democratic principles.

Member States are urged to suspend deliveries of arms and munitions to the army and police.

The resolution, which welcomes the setting up of an independent international committee of inquiry under UN auspices calls for measures to guarantee the safety of witnesses and victims' family members who will be heard by this committee.


MEPs call for the release of prisoners arrested in the demonstrations that followed the June 2009 elections, the abolition of the death penalty and respect for press freedom, in a resolution on the human rights situation in this Islamic republic.

The resolution condemns the massive and excessive use of force, arbitrary arrests and possible torture to repress protest movements since Iran's controversial presidential election. MEPs ask that the International Committee of the Red Cross be permitted to see all prisoners, without exception.

MEPs reiterate their call for the death penalty to be abolished. (6). They condemn death sentences and executions in Iran, and in particular those passed or enforced on juvenile delinquents or minors. MEPs protest against the execution in Iran, on 11 October, of minor Behnood Shojaee, who was hanged in breach of recognised international legal guarantees in this area. 

The resolution deplores the systematic restriction of freedom of information by blocking internet sites, which are prevented from reporting on unauthorised demonstrations, and the creation of new restrictions, which require journalists to obtain an authorisation before reporting on any event. MEPs call for the immediate release of Fariba Pajooh, a young Iranian-Canadian journalist and celebrated blogger, who was arrested at home in Teheran on 24 August 2009.

Sri Lanka

MEPs deplore the fact that over 250,000 Tamil civilians are still held in camps, contrary to undertakings given by the Colombo government. The resolution asks that their return be organised and that humanitarian organisations be given free access to the camps in order to provide the necessary humanitarian assistance. 

Tamil leaders must commit themselves to a political settlement and renounce terrorism and violence once and for all.  The government must respect human rights in the conduct of trials of LTTE members, says the resolution.

The Sri Lankan government must cease its repression of the media in the name of its anti-terrorist legislation, which must be overhauled, and press freedom must be recognised, stress MEPs.

The Sri Lankan government must also put more effort into clearing minefields, which are serious obstacle to reconstruction and economic recovery in this south-east Asian country. Members call on the government to take measures to comply with the Ottawa Treaty (Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction).


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