Cardboard city slum

The international medical aid agency Medicine Sans Frontieres say the migrants - who are being employed in Southern Italy, are being exploited by living in very poor conditions and being paid meagre wages. more »

Prisoners get creative

Inmates at the Philippine national prison never imagined they would serve sentences by making dresses. more »

How to get young people into politics and to the ballot box

In Albert Einstien's view "common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age 18". more »

Row over body parts show

Prosecutors in Poland are examining whether the exhibition entitled 'Bodies' is illegal. more »

Better safe than sorry – new EU strategy on disaster prevention

New proposal to strengthen disaster prevention capacities and increase cooperation with developing countries. more »

Israel apologises for Jesus spoof

Private broadcaster Channel 10 aired "The Tonight Show" with Lior Shlein last week, with a skit depicting the Virgin Mary as a pregnant teenager and Jesus as being too fat to walk on water. more »

Awards for green urban living

Stockholm and Hamburg named first ‘green capitals’. Budapest wins European mobility week award. more »

Australia mourns bushfire victims

Bells ringing out to mark the start of the ceremony in Melbourne - capital of the disaster-hit state of Victoria. more »

Germany celebrates carnival

Carnival's celebrated in Germany's mainly Catholic regions - the south and the west. more »

Do you know what social Europe can do for you?

Circus campaign will raise awareness of EU social policies in 2009. more »