Colombian police seize explosives near Clinton route

Colombian police arrested three people believed to be Marxist guerrilla sympathizers and seized explosives Wednesday. more »

Gore's running mate a high-tech favorite

Al Gore's selection of Joseph Lieberman as his vice presidential running mate was warmly received by high-tech industry advocates. more »

AIDS Situation in Lithuania

After regaining the independence in 1990, Lithuania faced the worldwide nightmare – AIDS. Now official figures of infected people are not so large; but they are frightening because in future number of AIDS and HIV infected can increase. more »

Reggie Kray goes free

Dying gangster Reggie Kray is to be freed from jail on compassionate grounds, Home Secretary Jack Straw ruled today. more »

Terror plot said to target Olympics

Australian authorities downplay conspiracy to blow up reactor. more »

The Warnings

Hurricane Debby Churns Toward Puerto Rico. more »

NTSB Rules on TWA Jet Crash Cause

Despite all the fears and conspiracy theories, the conclusion is ``inescapable'' that an explosion of vapors in a fuel tank is what brought down TWA Flight 800 four years ago. more »

Sainthood For Nation's Founder Marks Hungary's Millennium

The Orthodox church will on Sunday take the unprecedented step of canonizing someone already revered as a saint by Roman Catholics, amid ceremonies marking Hungary's millennium as a nation state. more »

Chechen Guerrilla Will Pay $30,000 To Kill Pro-Moscow Official

Russian military officials in Chechnya said today that Chechen guerrilla have offered $30,000 to kill the head of the pro-Moscow administration in one of Chechnya's main districts. more »

Hungary's millennium anniversary

Catholic Relic Arrives For Hungarian Anniversary Celebrations. more »