The Berlin Wall goes online

Most of the real-world Berlin Wall has been consigned to the dustbin of history, but the structure lives on the Internet.

Tourists disappointed at finding little of the despised barrier left in the German capital can now trace its path on, complete with maps and photographs.

The site, launched by the Berlin government, details the history of the Wall from its construction in August 1961, when the communist East German authorities closed the border to stop a mass exodus, to its fall in a peaceful resolution in November 1989.

Amid the ensuing euphoria most of the Wall was destroyed, sold off or picked apart by souvenir hunters.

The website pinpoints the few parts of the city that still have slabs or watchtowers left intact, as well as memorials built to those killed trying to escape to the West.

The site also features several pages in English.

"We want to make this information about the Wall available to as many people as possible, not only in Berlin but around the world," Berlin's top official for city development, Ingeborg Junge-Reyer, said in a statement. "We also want to encourage citizens' interest in their city and its sometimes uncomfortable past."