Bulgaria's Average Deposit Level to Double by 2008

The average level of deposits per capita in Bulgaria in 2004 reached EUR 591, a survey of Bank Austria Creditanstalt (BA-CA) revealed.

The survey executed by BA-CA, the owner of Bulgaria's HVB Bank Biochim and Hebros Bank showed that Bulgaria occupies the tenth place among the thirteen countries from Eastern and Central Europe.

The average figures of the deposit levels in the countries from Central and Eastern Europe are EUR 1,331 and BA-CA says that the deposits level in Bulgaria will double to EUR 1,061 in 2008.

The expected increase is explained with stable macroeconomic situation in Bulgaria and with the boost of the average salary in the country.

The BA-CA analysis also says that Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia have a clear tendency of deposit growth as compared to the other countries from Central and Eastern Europe. Still, the deposits level will remain lower than that of the credits allotted in these countries.