Fearful Europe steps up security

Vulnerable countries act quickly to bring in new powers


The Italian senate yesterday approved a bill to give the armed forces powers normally reserved for the police, allowing soldiers to search suspects and vehicles. It was the latest in a series of measures endorsed since July 7 in a country that fears it could be the next terror target. A poll published this week by the daily Corriere della Sera found 85% of Italians fear a terror attack within weeks or months.


Impressed by the speed and relative ease with which the London bombers and suspects were identified using video surveillance, the French government this week announced plans to install CCTV cameras in every Paris bus and metro corridor before the end of the year. Parliament is to rush through the legislation within three months.


The German parliament has called for increased surveillance of airports, train stations and underground networks.

There will be no-fly zones over World Cup 2006 stadiums, and over Cologne when the Pope visits next month. The Central Council of Muslims in Germany has recommended increased monitoring of German mosques.