Call for proposals: Dissemination of good practices and specific advice on e-Business for SMEs

The European Commission has launched a Call for proposals to support the "Dissemination of good e-Business Practices and provision of specific advice", Action 19 under Grant Programme 2005

This Call is addressed to all public sector bodies or publicly supported organisations (including public-private partnerships), which aim at further promoting the use of ICT and business. These organisations are active at European, national, regional or sectoral level, in one or more of the participating countries (notably the 25 EU Member States), and have an interest in reaching and attracting SMEs (such as Chambers of Commerce, Euro Info Centres, Enterprise Associations or Foundations).

In other words, they may or may not be already Members of the eBSN, but they should be eligible to become members of the eBSN.

The total budget available is 300.000 euros. The maximum co-financing rate is 50% and the maximum Community funding for each project is 50.000 euros. The duration of actions co-financed under this grant theme should not exceed 10 months.

The ultimate beneficiaries of this action are European SMEs, which would be allowed to better understand e-business processes, improve their skills and participate in e-business networks.

The deadline for submission is 12 September 2005.

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