Ukraine: Former Prime Minister Offers President Olive Branch

The former prime minister of Ukraine, Yuliya Tymoshenko -- who was sacked along with her government by President Viktor Yushchenko two weeks ago -- says she is willing to form a new government in the interests of national stability. Tymoshenko and Yushchenko were the twin leaders of the Orange Revolution and close allies until they fell out earlier this month. Tymoshenko's gesture comes as Yushchenko faces a government crisis after parliament yesterday (20 September) rejected his candidate to replace Tymoshenko as prime minister.
"I want to propose to Viktor Andriyovych [Yushchenko] simply to turn back, unite our forces again, fully join our strategies and form a government together. This should be a strong government, a real coalition government," Yuliya Tymoshenko said.

The question is whether the president is able to accept Tymoshenko's offer. Harsh words have been exchanged and egos damaged in the two weeks since Yushchenko dismissed his erstwhile ally. In parliament yesterday, he derided her performance as prime minister as inept and made a thinly veiled suggestion that she was plotting to destroy the government.