Rice: US not out to undermine Russia in Central Asia

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, heading to Central Asia on a four-nation tour, said the United States was not attempting to undermine Russia in the strategic region.

"In no way are our relationships in Central Asia aimed at anyone," said Rice, who was en route to Kyrgyzstan for the first leg of her trip.

"In other words, we want these countries to have good relations with their neighbors, especially good relations with Russia," Rice said.

After traveling to Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, Rice was due to visit Afghanistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan this week.

Rice said Washington recognized that Central Asian countries had strong ties to Moscow.

"They have longstanding ties with Russia -- economic and other ties -- and it's only natural that those relationships are going to continue," Rice said.

The US State Department has described Rice's visit as an effort to promote democratic and economic reform in states threatened by Islamic extremism.