The decisions from the latest European Council's meeting in Luxembourg referring to the Western Balkans confirmed the strategic direction of the European enlargement process, President Branko Crvenkovski said Friday addressing the Summit of Central European heads of state in Zagreb.

He said that Macedonia was in one of the key phases of its path towards the EU, adding that in the latest years the country has been committed to the political reforms and the Framework Agreement implementation.

"Having in mind the achievements in the key areas, Macedonia today represents a model for inter-ethnic relations in the region, contributing to its stability and prosperity", Crvenkovski said.

He said that the best strategy for achieving one of the EU's political goals, i.e. stable and economic prosperous Balkans is in the systematic and continuous support of regional countries' efforts for their complete democratic transformation.

"That's why our expectations are that in the beginning of the next moth the European Commission will formulate a positive avis on Macedonia's application for the EU membership, which will pave the way for sooner receiving a candidate status and opening the EU entry talks. Those decisions, will not only mean a support of our structural reforms, but will also send a clear message to the rest countries from the region to keep implement their agendas on necessary social changes", Crvenkovski said.