Moldova's European Choice Is No Adjusting to the Moment - Voronin

Moldova's European choice is not just an instant decision made proceeding from today's geo-political conjuncture, President Vladimir Voronin stated today at the 12th Summit of Central European states held in Zagreb (Croatia).
He further held, this is an internal political choice, an essential factor of the country's European destiny, a powerful motivation for continuing the reforms that must convert Moldova into a democratic, law-governed state with a flourishing, competitive economy.

The President told the audience that in order to occupy its worthy place in the future European architecture, the Republic of Moldova shall do all to meet European criteria. The Moldovan government is taking consistent efforts to conduct necessary reforms.

He reminded that Moldova's commitments have been reflected in the EU-Moldova Action Plan that was concluded within the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), and Chisinau regards the Policy not as an alternative to the EU enlargement process but as a European integration stage.

President Voronin remarked that the recent opening of the European Commission Country Office in Chisinau is a clear indication of new relations between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union. The Office's activity will promote the European Commission's accession to the EU-Moldova Action Plan realization.

Voronin highly appreciated the European Union's decision to establish a Mission to monitor the Moldo-Ukrainian border, and voiced "a particular satisfaction" with enlarging the format of talks on the Transnistrian conflict settlement by including the European Union and the United States to this work, albeit only as observers, for the beginning.