Welcome to Infobalt 2005!

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Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
Infobalt paroda 2005
On 27-29 October 2005, the 12th international exhibition of the information technologies, telecommunications and office supplies INFOBALT is taking place. This year there are expected 150 ICT companies participating in the event. It is also expected that  foreign companies from 7 different countries of the world will join the exhibition. The main exposition will be intended for the quickly developing market of home users.

It is already the 12th consecutive year when the Association Infobalt, representing the Lithuanian ICT market and unifying 165 Lithuanian ICT companies, in close cooperation with its partners (The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania, VisusPlenus, Litexpo, Information Society Development Committee under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania,  ect.) is organising the biggest exhibition of information society technologies in the Baltic and Eastern European region.

The exposition of INFOBALT‘2005 will introduce the new ICT technologies and their economic benefits for the expected 70 000 of Lithuanian and foreign visitors, representatives from business and public sectors. The exhibition conforms to the strategy of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on the “development of Lithuanian information society” (of 25 May 2005) and the “priorities of Lithuanian knowledge society” being implemented by the Association Infobalt.

During the exposition of the ICT Solutions’ Forum, taking place in the exhibition INFOBALT‘2005, the Lithuanian ICT companies will present their solutions developed for business, public sector, professionals and export. The organizers of the exhibition INFOBALT are aiming to turn the exhibition into the forum of Eastern European ICT business, and working in close cooperation with their partners to attract more investment into the sector of knowledge economy of the Republic of Lithuania as well as encourage the Lithuanian ICT companies to actively participate in the joint projects with the business and international companies from the EU, CIS and other countries.

Scheduled events of the exhibition INFOBALT’2005: