Colored revolution ruled out in Azerbaijan - president

Azeri President Ilham Aliyev said a colored revolution is ruled out in Azerbaijan.

"The time of street manifestation has gone. Azerbaijan went through events similar to those that unfolded in Ukraine and Georgia recently, back in the early 1990s. Those events are now a thing of the past and will never be repeated. Azerbaijan is a strong state," Aliyev told Turkish journalists in Baku on October 28.

Aliyev's interview was circulated by Azertaj information agency on Saturday evening.

He said Azeri opposition parties' decision to borrow the symbols of the Ukrainian orange revolution was ridiculous.

"They should have chosen a different color, if they are determined to accomplish large-scale plans here," Aliyev said.

The Azeri president said that he had urged all political forces on many occasions to start a dialogue and to gather at a negotiating table with a pen in hand, instead of filling the streets and squares with stones in pockets."

He said reports that the Azeri opposition is being supported by foreign forces have not been confirmed.

"Azerbaijan is sufficiently strong. It is a state where stability and law rule. All attempts to fan tensions, in or outside Azerbaijan, will fail," Aliyev said.