Corruption in Kazakhstan lowest in Central Asia

  The level of corruption in Kazakhstan is the lowest in Central Asia. Alejo Vidal-Quadras Roca, vice president of Europarliament, made such statement speaking to the Kazakhstani senate yesterday, November 3.

"The situation in Kazakhstan is completely different from the situation in other Central Asian countries, many of which are viewed as the most corrupted in the world," - he said. He also welcomed a proposition from the president of Kazakhstan to attract public organisations to struggles against corruption. "You have to continue your efforts on eliminating any manifestations of the corruption," - he stressed.

He also observed that Kazakhstan "is ahead of all its Central Asian neighbours and has big advantages. Kazakhstan has big ambitions and a big potential for modernisation to become more prosperous."

The European Union is interested in developing mutually beneficial relations with Kazakhstan, vice president of Europarliament said. "I am sure that with the existing growth in a few years you will be able to help us," - he stated.