Moldova Reiterates New Border Regime

The actions being undertaken lately by Chisinau to introduce new order of exports and imports from/to Transnistria across the Moldo-Ukrainian border pursues the goals of commodity flow legalization, establishing transparent and strict procedures of external trade for the sake of optimization of Transnistrian companies, the Moldovan delegation stated at the Odessa border consultations on Thursday.
The delegation, led by Deputy Minister of Reintegration Victor Postolachi, answered numerous questions asked by Transnistrian enterprise managers, and stressed, in particular, that the new regime presupposes simplification and support for the activities of Transnistrian manufacturers, promotes legalization of exports and imports. It will permit preventing "such subversive actions and dirty frauds by the region's authorities and concrete leaders which only blacken honest Transnistrian economic operators who have decided to get registered with Moldova and to run legal businesses".

The delegation wrote in its Press Release, "It is known to everyone that the so-called Transnistrian 'leaders' do not care very much about the fate or future of the region. Those leaders pursue only their personal selfish interests. Many of them are already sitting on their voyage trunks stuffed with cash, ready to flee away at the first opportunity".