Congress grills internet bosses

US lawmakers has lashed out at Google and other prominent internet companies, with one Democrat questioning "how your corporate leadership sleeps at night" because of the companies' alleged complicity in human rights abuses by the Chinese government.

As representatives from Google, Yahoo Inc, Cisco Systems Inc and Microsoft Corp looked on, lawmakers from both political parties delivered withering attacks and called for control on dealings with China.

"Your abhorrent activities in China are a disgrace. I simply do not understand how your corporate leadership sleeps at night," said Rep Tom Lantos, the ranking Democrat on a House International Relations subcommittee on human rights.

The Republican chairman of the subcommittee, Chris Smith of New Jersey, held the hearing to ask the companies about their procedures in China and demands from the Chinese government.

Last week, Paris-based Reporters Without Borders, an advocacy group for journalists, said Yahoo provided electronic records to Chinese authorities that led to an eight-year prison sentence for writer Li Zhi in 2003.