Calls for Strong-arm Action Ahead of Elections

Belarus's iron-fisted leader Alexander Lukashenko called on his defense and interior ministries and security service to "act ahead" of the West and the opposition as presidential elections loom nearer.

"You know what pressure is put on Belarus, ranging from open blackmail to attempted interference in our internal affairs from the West, and from small provocations to threat of extremist rallies from the opposition," Lukashenko told the assembled officials late Tuesday.

"Having no hope for legal victory, the opposition is trying all it can to escalate tensions in the country, weaken the state's basis and smear our spiritual values," the Soviet-style president said.

"So we primarily need the ability to act ahead of the situation," he added.

According to the Vyasna rights defender center, Belarus's KGB security service had already detained some 10 opposition activists Tuesday and held searches in the oppositionists' apartments all over Belarus, confiscating election materials and independent newspapers.