The latest product

There are all kinds of ways to have a personalized home page, whether it's My Yahoo!, Yodlee, My ZDNet, or news scrollers such as OmniViewer. The latest such product is OnePage, a site that pulls information from all over the Web to build a page with just the information that interests you. OnePage is still in beta, but works well enough for day-to-day use. In order to use it effectively, however, you have to make OnePage your home page. With its autologin feature, it retrieves and displays your personalized pages. Why would anyone want to offer such a service? It appears to me that they're using far-flung content to create a base audience for advertising, and that they're lining up content partners who probably pay a small fee for your clicks. When you click on, say, a news headline, OnePage opens the article in a new browser window. It doesn't attempt to "frame" the site. There's nothing nefariousabout this, and OnePage's privacy policy is straightforward. OnePage is an interesting concept, and Don's reviewhas more information.