National Bank reports 3.8-percent decrease in Belarus' international reserves in January

Užrašas gamykloje „Kas nori dirbti - ieško būdo, kas nenori - priežasties“
Belarus' international reserves decreased by 3.8 percent in January 2007 to $1,329.9 million as of February 1, according to the National Bank of Belarus (NBB).

Foreign currency reserves totaled $1,021.3 million, falling by 4.3 percent, whereas gold reserves decreased by two percent to $308.1 million, the NBB said, told BelaPAN.

The foreign currency reserves reportedly accounted for 76.8 percent of the total content and the gold reserves for 23.2 percent.

Other international reserves totaled $0.5 million, which was 0.04 percent of the entire amount.

The calculations were reportedly made according to the International Monetary Fund's Special Data Dissemination Standard.

Belarus' international reserves are defined as highly liquid foreign assets that may be flexibly used for intervention in exchange markets to stabilize the exchange rate of the national currency, for the financing of imports, settlements relating to the repayment of external government debts, and also for other purposes.

Belarus' international reserves reportedly increased by 6.7 percent to $1,382.9 million in 2006.

The government expects them to reach $6 billion by 2010.