The BS/2 Continues its Expansion in Asia

The company “Penkiu kontinentu bankines technologijos” (BS/2) successfully continues its expansion in Kazakhstan and Georgia. 

The representatives of the company have signed the agreement with the “Alliance Bank”, that is the third largest bank of Kazakhstan. This bank is quoted by the London stock exchange, and is acknowledged by the “Euromoney” as the best bank of Kazakhstan taking the lead in the sphere of the corporate bank management.

During fourteen years of its activity the “Alliance Bank” opened 25 subsidiaries and 207 departments. The BS/2 is going to install there as many as 800 most up-to-date ATMs by the “Wincor Nixdorf”.

The BS/2's activity in Georgia is certainly marked by successThere the company has signed the agreement with the second largest bank of the country – the “TBC Bank". 

In the bank, that was the first to receive the ISO certificate in Georgia, the BS/2 is going to install 90 multi-functional ATMs by the “Wincor Nixdorf” and 15 automated „ProCash“ safes.

In the meantime the BS/2 is the leader in the banking technologies’ markets of Georgia and Kazakhstan. In Georgia the company owns 90 percent of the market, while in Kazakhstan – 60 percent.

For several years the BS/2 is led by success not only in European market, but also in those of Northern and Central America, Australia and Africa. The company is surely determined to continue its expansion into Asian countries.

The BS/2 team of The Sales and Business Development Departament. Left to right: the managers Rasa Gustaitė, Kristina Bojarun, the head of the departament Andrius Butkus and manager Anastasija Pavlova
BS/2 Pardavimų ir verslo plėtros skyriaus komanda. Is kairės: Vadybininkės Rasa Gustaitė ir Kristina Bojarun, skyriaus vadovas Andrius Butkus ir vadybininkė Anastasija Pavlova