Ashburn International to Cooperate with DnB NORD Bankas

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Payment and loyalty card solutions provider Ashburn International, part of the Penki Kontinentai Group, has signed a cooperation agreement with DnB NORD Bankas, which belongs to an international finance group.

“We will provide integrated card payment solutions to one of the largest and most dynamic banks in the country. These solutions will foremost benefit the clients who use cards for payments because the traders will be able to serve them in a faster and simpler manner,” said Darius Simanavičius, Commercial Manager of Ashburn International.

DnB NORD Bankas has become the fourth commercial bank in Lithuania to use the services of Ashburn International.

DnB NORD Bankas is a universal commercial bank providing the highest quality financial services both to private and corporate customers. Currently the bank has more than 550 thousand individual clients and corporate companies. It has 82 customer service branches and a network of 162 ATMs across the country. In 2007 the bank earned a net profit of 107.8 million litas.


Ashburn International has been carrying out the implementation of payment and loyalty card as well as e-commerce solutions since 1998. The company has successfully implemented joint projects with commercial banks, major retail trade and mobile communication companies as well as gas station operators.