Regarding the situation in Georgia

Filipinų specialiųjų įvykių būrio policininkai demonstruoja ginklus Taguig mieste. Rinktiniai policininkai ruošiami kovai prieš komunistus partizanus už šalies ribų.
According to the latest data, in the morning of 8 August shelling in the area and the city of Gori began and it is possible that this is even done not by the Ossetia forces. This information was confirmed to the Lithuanian Embassy in Tbilisi by the residents of Gori.

We note that these actions have been taken right after Georgia’s President Mikheil Saakashvili’s demand in the evening on 7 August that Georgian armed forces should not engage in reprisals in the conflict zone in the Tshinvali region.

Considering the current situation, serious concern is raised by the openly provocative statement of the Russian authorities, in which Georgia is blamed for starting hostilities. We wish to notice that tension is escalated even more by such statements.  Currently peace is particularly necessary, as well as efforts of all parties to stop the violence.