Motorola Survey Reveals Media Mobility is Key for the Millennial Generation


Motorola, Inc. (NYSE:MOT) today announced further results of its research into the consumer technology decisions and media consumption habits of the ‘Millennial’ generation (16-27 year olds). This new study of over 1,200 Millennials from five countries in Europe and the Middle East found that young adults are passionate about being in control of their rich media content and are heavily influencing older generations.

The study was commissioned to further understand the Millennials’ viewing habits and how they move and share their content across devices. It found that not only do Millennials themselves engage with new technologies and services, they actively influence their parents’ adoption habits: The majority of respondents stated that they influence the broadband (83 percent) or TV services (84 percent) purchased by their parents, even if they do not live at home.

“Technology is the lifeblood of this generation. Millennials feel that their personal lifestyle would change dramatically without internet access. It is not surprising therefore to see their influence on technology purchasing for the home,” said Joe Cozzolino, corporate vice president and general manager, Motorola Home & Networks Mobility EMEA. "By understanding the needs and desires of this generation, Motorola is able to design and customize solutions for our customers that enable them to deliver rich media experiences to today’s and tomorrow’s consumer.”

Prime Time to My Time

TV is unsurprisingly still a favored form of entertainment. However, it is how, where and when we watch that is changing significantly. The traditional TV schedule is becoming a thing of the past:

Media mobility

Significant numbers of respondents want to be able to access full-length movies and their favorite shows on the move, yet it is through shorter bursts of content that mobile entertainment comes into its own:

More from your media

Millennials influence older generations because their technology experiences run much deeper, with 63 percent of respondents acknowledging that their demands and expectations for rich media experiences are higher than those of their parents.

Millennials do not passively digest content; they are increasingly looking to interact with what is on the screen:

There are strong signs that Millennials are adopting high definition TV (HDTV), and the figures point to a strong growth potential:

“Understanding how this group wants to engage with their content is crucial to developing intuitive experiences that allow them to interact as they wish,” continued Cozzolino. “In order for technology providers and content developers to stay on top of the media game they must keep up with the behaviors of the Millennials. It is the interests, passions and desires of this generation today that are shaping the landscape of tomorrow.”