Ashburn International: over 10 years – 180 million transactions

„Ashburn International“ logotipas
Ashburn International, a company which implements payment and loyalty cards solutions, is celebrating its 10th anniversary.


The company, which was established in 1998 and which belongs to the Penki kontinentai group, started its business by creating an electronic trade system of prepayment of accounts.


“We were the first ones to offer the possibility to replenish accounts in shopping centres to those who use mobile connection. After that the projects of authorization of payment cards and loyalty programs were implemented. We started providing the service of replenishing public transport tickets as well this year,” Darius Simanavičius, director for commerce of Ashburn International, says.


The company has authorized over 180 million transactions of payment and loyalty cards, the value of which was over 10 billion Litas, since its establishment. If you placed receipts confirming a transaction in one place, you would make a 14 thousand kilometers length strip. This equals the distance from Vilnius to Solomon Islands in the Pacific Ocean or one-third of the length of the circle of Earth.


Ashburn International is the first Lithuanian company which meets international PCI DSS security standards applied to the companies processing payment cards data.


The customers of Ashburn International include mobile connection operators Omnitel, Bitė Lietuva, Tele2, trade networks Iki, Šilas, networks of gas stations Statoil Lietuva, PKN Orlen etc. The company cooperates with such global companies as Cisco Systems, Postilion, Bull etc.