“Stop domestic violence” - MEPs back campaign

Domestic violence is one of the most widespread violations of women's human rights across the world. One fifth of all women have experienced physical violence at least once during their adult lives, with one in ten having suffered sexual violence.

On 13 October Parliament held a hearing which brought together MEPs and NGO's from the field. Organised by the Committee of Women's Rights, it is part of the Council of Europe's “Stop domestic violence against women” initiative.  The aim is to raise awareness of its seriousness and look at ways of prevention.
The act of domestic violence can take many guises including physical and sexual acts. Less well known are the countless examples of psychological violence against women which can be demeaning, belittling and undermine self esteem.
The campaign aims to raise awareness of not only serious acts of violence but also threats of violence.
Anna Zaborská - Chair of the Women's Rights Committee echoed this objective: “By domestic violence we mean violence or the threat of physical, psychological or sexual violence” said the Slovak centre-right EPP-ED member.
In her opening statement she quoted Ingrid Betancourt’s recent speech to the European Parliament which appealed for people to “build a new civilisation of love”. 
The campaign also seeks to eliminate so-called sociological gender imbalances. This refers to instances of violence of discrimination against women whereby individuals are citing cultural differences to justify their actions. MEPs on the Committee were vehement in condemning this view, promoting the universality of human rights.
Europe's Justice Commissioner Jacques Barrot described the battle against domestic violence as a “fight for fundamental human rights”. He highlighted key priorities as “combating domestic violence, people trafficking, forced marriage and child abuse”.
He explained, however, that a successful campaign against domestic violence requires: “Accurate information in order to devise better awareness campaigns and to decide on appropriate measures.”
José Mendes Bota - the Council of Europe's rapporteur declared: “Domestic violence against women is in fact a civil war, the real fight is the one of those who don't care and those who do.”
One central factor for him is the involvement of more men into the campaign. As he explained, men are not only still the leading decision makers on the issue – “they are also the main aggressors” he said. Their involvement, therefore, is seen as crucial for the campaign’s success.
MEPs expressed their concern on the world wide spread issue on domestic violence. They are hoping to raise awareness ahead of the launch of the EU's action plan of domestic violence, to be made available by the end of the year.