Line speed of Skynet in international networks is 1.5 Gb/s


The Communications Centre of Penki kontinentai continues increasing the speed of Skynet, the highest-speed optical Internet in Lithuania. From now on, the line speed of the network in international networks will more than double – from 620 Mb/s to 1.5 Gb/s. The line speed of Skynet is as high as 6 Gb/s in Lithuanian networks.


The line speed of the Internet is the value that defines the speed of transfer of data from one network to another (usually it is measured in megabits per second). The higher the line speed of the network, the quicker every customer who uses the network may surf the Internet.


“We increased the speed of the Internet at night for all our customers not so long ago. Our customers will soon be able to enjoy even more high-speed connection during the daytime as well. We are already one of the best in Lithuania in terms of the line speed of the network and the speed of the Internet that we offer to our customers. We expect to improve our position even more soon,” Haroldas Kutka, Assistant Manager for technologies of the Communications Centre of Penki kontinentai, says.


According to him, half of the reconstruction works of the arterial data transfer lines of Skynet are already complete in Šeškinė, Fabijoniškės, Justiniškės, Karoliniškės and other microdistricts of the capital city. When reconstruction is finished, an arterial data transfer line, the line speed of which will be 10 Gb/s, will connect these microdistricts.


“The arteries are being modernized not only for the Internet services but also for the delivery of interactive IP television, broadcasting of which also requires a high-speed data transfer network. HD channels, virtual video rental with new films added every day and other interactive television services are really attracting viewers’ interest now and no television will be able to dispense with them in the future,” affirms H. Kutka.


Over 120,000 customers – residents of the capital city, various institutions and organizations, including business centre Europa, the nearby Hanner skyscraper, and prestigious districts such as Bajorų kalvos, Gudelių šilas, Vilniaus vartai, Verkių slėnis, Verkių namai etc., – are using the Skynet network today. In 2005, Skynet Internet won the Lithuanian Product of the Year award established by the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists.