OPT chooses Bull to launch innovative telecommunications services

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To enable New-Caledonia's OPT-NC (Office des Postes et Télécommunications de Nouvelle-Calédonie) to launch innovative messaging and multiple play services, Bull will be working in close collaboration with OPT to extend the existing deployment of the Comptel solutions for mediation and provisioning.

Since 2004, Comptel Mediation Solution has been in operation at OPT to collect billing data for fixed telephony services, and Comptel Provisioning and Activation Solution has been used to activate these services. Since 2006, the Comptel solutions have also been handling mobile telephony at OPT. Bull will now integrate a new system, based on the exising Comptel platform and extended with Comptel's rating engine, to support prepaid services for the fixed telephony, fixed voice messaging and Multiple Play services, involving broadband Internet, IP telephony, access to video contents, etc.

«We have chosen to put in place a convergent mediation system to manage our different offerings. Our objective is to benefit from sufficient flexibility to be able to enrich them according to the market evolution, while improving our efficiency and the quality of services provided to our customers.», comments Jean-Yves Ollivaud, CEO of OPT-NC. « Thanks to its expertise, Bull allows us to make our system evolve towards complex and innovative services offers, such as messaging and Multiple Play. »

The solution adopted by OPT-NC will be implemented by Bull and relies on Bull's expertise in the integration of telecom operations support systems (OSS) and global information systems, associated to a deep knowledge of Comptel solutions. Flexible enough to evolve and support new services, the Comptel solution allows cost optimization by reusing the existing environment and ensures the optimum 'Time To Market'.

To achieve this, Bull has complemented the Comptel solutions deployed, Comptel Mediation solution et Comptel Provisioning solution, with the rating engine Comptel Rater. Combining agility and robustness, the solution is particularly competitive because of its integration in the existing collection system, the consolidation of hardware infrastructures, the homogenization and simplification of processes.

« By ensuring the optimization of the infrastructure and system's performances, this evolution brings true competitive and operational advantages » comments Jean-François Leprince-Ringuet, General Manager, Bull Telecommunications & Media. « While enriching activation and collection capabilities, it offers OPT-NC numerous opportunities to grow and develop its catalog of Telecom services ».

« We are very proud to be partnering with Bull on this project » adds Arnhild Schia, Executive Vice President for Comptel. « Our combined competences will enable us to offer the optimum time-to-market for OPT».