Pöttering stresses peace during Gaza/Middle East visit

Europos Parlamento (EP) pirmininkas Hansas Gertas Pioteringas (Hans-Gert Pottering)
A "peaceful and lasting solution" to the crisis in the Middle East and a "two state solution" to the Israeli-Palestinian dispute were two goals spelled out by Parliament's President Hans-Gert Pöttering in a visit to the region. Along with MPs from the Euromed assembly he visited Gaza, Ramallah, Jerusalem and Amman to hold talks with senior officials from 22-24 February.

Speaking prior to his departure he said: "We have to help the people of Gaza by opening the borders, while preventing Hamas from arming again. We are in favour of peace and resolutely against war and terrorism. This is our message and it will be transmitted to all partners in the region."
He went on to say that "our objective is to contribute to get the peace process back on track and to work towards it."