ATM industry site says acquisitions in the ATM space on the rise


Bankomatas, a site dedicated to the buying and selling of ATM businesses and portfolios, is reporting a drastic increase in ATM portfolio acquisitions.
“Four months ago, the interest level in buying and selling ATM businesses was relatively low,” said Lane Gordon, the site's managing partner. “At the time, we were experiencing substantially more interest from buyers and sellers of credit-card-processing portfolios on one of the sister sites we own. However, we’ve observed an interesting phenomenon as a result of the economy. There’s less interest in credit-card-processing portfolios and substantially more activity from people looking to purchase an existing ATM operation.”
Gordon attributes the increased ATM-sales activity to renewed consumer interest in the use of cash rather than credit, as well as an influx of buyers who wanted turnkey businesses to own and operate, such as a small ATM business.