Imagine, create, innovate

Grafikės J. Gerlikaitės darbas
Imagine, create, innovate Local culinary traditions revived thanks to tourism. Art as a tool for economic development and social integration. All creative and innovative projects in the fields of education, culture, citizenship, social integration and local development.

And all of which benefitted from EU funding and programmes seeking to bring concrete solutions to problems faced by entrepreneurs, private individuals, the disadvantaged, students, etc.

The 20 projects will be showcased during an EU conference in Brussels on 2 and 3 March 2009. Participants from the 27 EU member countries will discuss how to use the results most effectively and apply best practises throughout Europe.

In the same vein, the Commission has launched the EVE online platform, which will assemble information on EU-supported educational and cultural projects in an interactive, multilingual format.

2009 has been designated the European year of creativity and innovation. Beyond the numerous activities and events that will take place in 2009, the EU is promoting a long-term strategy based on a knowledge society – characterised by lifelong learning – to ensure the well-being of Europeans and continued prosperity in Europe.