In 2008 the number of settlements performed by Bank SNORAS payment cards grew twice faster than the market

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Within last year the number of settlement operations made by using AB Bank SNORAS payment cards grew by 21 per cent or twice more than on the market where 10 per cent growth was fixed. During 2008 Bank SNORAS clients performed 3.56 million settlement operations with payment cards, whereas in 2007 this number reached 2.94 million units.

Activity in making settlements with Bank SNORAS payment cards especially increased in the last quarter of the year when the number of transactions approximated 0.95 million units and was almost by 30 per cent greater than in the same period in 2007.

“The growth in making settlements with Bank SNORAS payment cards confirms that more and more clients evaluate the convenience and safety of payment cards, and they use them as a full-rate settlement means which replaces cash. In this sense Bank SNORAS customers' habits in using payment cards substantially change, which used to serve only as a cashing tool,” states Deimantė Bareikienė, the director of AB Bank SNORAS Sales Department.

The number of cashing operations performed by using Bank SNORAS payment cards reached 3.28 million units within 2008 - 6 per cent more than in 2007. The number of cashing operations made by payment cards on the market grew by 9 per cent in 2008.

Bank SNORAS, which has been on the third position for quite a few years according to the number of the issued payment cards, is an official representative of MasterCard payment cards in Lithuania. Since August last year, the bank has also been distributing a spectrum of smart VISA payment cards. In 2008 Bank SNORAS was the first on the market to introduce an instantly issued credit payment card SNORAS SuperCard, belonging to MasterCard family, which a customer can obtain after one visit to the bank.

At the end of last year, Bank SNORAS issued 0.69 million payment cards.