Thursday in Parliament: Tibet, Eastern Partnership

Tibeto vienuoliai
Thursday saw MEPs talk about strengthening EU relations with Ukraine and Georgia through an Eastern partnership. They also supported increasing links through the existing neighbourhood policy, particularly in light of the gas crisis. On Thursday there was also a debate and resolution to mark the 50th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising against China, calling on Beijing to resume dialogue with the Dalai Lama.

On 10 March 1959 the people of Tibet rose up against the Chinese occupation of their country. The anniversary of that failed enterprise was marked this week by MEPs who passed a resolution 338 votes in favour with 131 against calling for China and the Dalai Lama to pursue dialogue based on the “Memorandum on Genuine Autonomy for the Tibetan People”.
Speaking in the debate German Christian Democrat Thomas Mann said, “the Memorandum must be the basis for further discussion with China.” He regretted that the non-violent appeal of the Dalai Lama for dialogue found no echo in Beijing.
British Labour MEP Glyn Ford said the resolution was “counter-productive” to Chinese-EU dialogue. In his view the way forward is “through dialogue and engagement not through rehash resolutions.”
Thursday also saw a raft of votes on issues that had been debated during the week. These included:
Protection of consumers, particularly minors, in the use of video games. EU accession progress reports for Turkey, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and CroatiaChildren of migrants