ADL Spotlights 'Blueprint For Terrorism' Online

The site in question reportedly informs racists how to attack members of minority groups as a "lone wolf," and therefore minimize the culpability of hate groups. The report said that Alex Curtis of San Diego, Calif., operates a "White Racist" Web site to distribute anti-Semitic and racist literature. Curtis allegedly urges others who share his beliefs to use such methods as biological weapons and selling poison-laced drugs as a way of killing. What separates Curtis from other groups, according to the ADL report, is his advice that racists act alone. Jordan Kessler, senior researcher for the ADL and head of the group's Internet monitoring project, said that other hate groups have been prosecuted for the acts of their followers, which is why Curtis advocates the so-called lone wolf method. "The Aryan Nation was once sued by the Southern Poverty Law Center for the crimes that some of its members committed," said Kessler. "Tom Metzger, leader of the White Aryan Resistance, was sued for a murder that racist skinheads under his sway committed. They killed a black immigrant in Oregon. Metzger also lives in the San Diego area, and many think that he is Curtis' mentor. We think Alex Curtis' behavior comes from the advice of Metzger to avoid being sued."