Roma give Parliament award for its support

A group of Roma organisations Thursday honoured the European Parliament for its support of the Roma and their rights during the current legislative term. EP President Hans-Gert Pöttering received the award from representatives of leading Roma organisations in Europe ahead of International Roma Day, 8 April
“There is still much that needs to be done for the Roma in Europe and non-Roma and Roma have to make a joint contribution for this” said Mr Pöttering who underlined that the EP will continue its policy of non discrimination.
During its 2004-2009 term, parliament has called for improvements to the situation of the Roma in the EU, their access to the labour market and on the situation of the Roma women.
Of the 12 to 15 million Roma living in Europe, about 10 million live in EU countries. The majority became EU citizens after the 2004 and 2007 enlargements.