Spring Day for Europe 2009

For the seventh time in a row spring will not be only a season of blossoming flowers but also a time when students all over the world can get to know more about the European Union. Spring Day for Europe, the event organised by European Commission in cooperation with the European Parliament and other EU institutions, runs this year between 25 March to 9 May.

Spring Day for Europe is an annual event open to all schools in Europe as well as in the rest of the world. During this time schools are encouraged to organise events that could help students understand better how the EU and its institutions work. Teachers and pupils discuss European issues and share their own opinions and visions about Europe.
Active MEPs
The European Parliament will be active in the event through the work of Vice President Alejo Vidal-Quadras and Chair of Parliament's Culture Committee Katerina Batzeli as well as several other MEPs. Their role is to mobilise fellow MEPs to get involved in Spring Day for Europe activities.
Thus far 42 Members have either been “back to school” or said that will do so before Europe Day on 9 May.
Speaking about the idea behind the initiative Mr Vidal-Quadras explained: “Spring day for Europe is an initiative aiming to deepen dialogue between young people, their teachers and European, national, regional and local political players. It offers our youth the opportunity to discuss their visions of Europe directly with the decision-makers.” 
He went on to say that “going to the schools will be a great opportunity to explain the importance of the biggest transnational election in the history”.
Bridging cultures through dialogue
Mr Vidal-Quadras says that event is very important: “European integration needs symbols and references. The celebration of the Spring Day for Europe has become a significant date for all European young people. This year in particular the theme ‘Bridging cultures through dialogue’ is an invitation to reflect our cultural diversity as an element of enrichment of our common project.”
Spring Day for Europe 2009 takes place between 25 March and 9 May and is included in the European Year of Creativity and Innovation with its slogan “Ideas move Europe”.