Wincor ATMs now housed in telephone booths in South Korea


„Wincor Nixdorf“ logotipas

Wincor Nixdorf AG and NICE Banking, an independent ATM deployer in South Korea, have partnered to grow a network of ATMs at sites owned by the country's top communications provider, Korea Telecom.
According to a news release, Wincor Nixdorf, a global IT solutions provider to retailers and retail banks, is supplying 500 weather-protected ATMs to NICE Banking, which has already installed 240 of the ATMs in KT's traditional public phone booths across the country. The remaining ATMs are expected to be rolled out over the coming months.
The public phones in outdoor, high-traffic pedestrian locations house multiple pay phones under one dedicated enclosure. KT has removed one pay phone position in strategic enclosures to create space for a single ATM, giving consumers the option to withdraw cash and make telephone calls via a traditional pay phone.
Wincor Nixdorf's weather-protected ProCash 1500xe systems are available in the integrated KT phone and ATM enclosures in major cities such as Seoul, Pusan and Inchon.
The ATMs are equipped with heating and air-cooling systems.
"Our technology solution will help KT develop its service-orientated business model to offer consumers both convenient cash services and traditional telephone services across the country," said Lim Khoon Hong, president of Asia-Pacific for Wincor Nixdorf.