Citizens get together in Brussels to discuss future of Europe

Buenos Airės (Argentina)
Today 150 citizens from across the EU met top policy-makers in Brussels to hand over their recommendations on how to tackle the economic and social challenges facing Europe. This "Citizens' Summit" is the culmination of the first phase of the 2009 European Citizens’ Consultations, involving some 250,000 online users and 1,600 people representing a cross section of the societies in all 27 Member States.

"Citizen Participation is a vital tool for democracy", said Margot Wallström, Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of Inter-institutional Relations and Communication Strategy. "It is a policy instrument for the future; a vibrant and necessary part of 21st century democracy. Today's Citizens' Summit shows that we can bring the EU closer to the people and people closer to the EU. Whether president or plumber, minister or manufacturer, all Europeans can influence and contribute to better European policies in a more accountable Union!"

The policy recommendations that were presented today are the fruit of a selection process initiated by the 1,600 citizens who took part in national debates in all 27 Member States to select their respective top 15 priorities. The final recommendations include calls for wide-ranging measures to boost Europe’s economy, tougher supervision of financial markets, more focused spending on research and innovation, and increased investment in sustainable energy. Other issues raised included the fight against poverty, promoting a better work/life balance, and action on education.

The second phase of the European Citizens' Consultations will focus on disseminating the results and discussing the citizens’ recommendations with a wider audience, with a particular focus on the MEPs newly elected in June 2009, through a series of regional events which will take place in five countries between September and December 2009

The European Citizens' Consultations are conducted by a consortium of more than 40 European partner organisations, led by the King Baudouin Foundation (KBF), and co-funded by the European Commission under its “Debate Europe” programme.


ECC 2009 builds on the success of ECC 2007, which established a new model for citizen participation through the first pan-European participatory project to involve citizens from all 27 EU Member States in the debate on the future of Europe. An additional online phase in ECC 2009 has allowed many more European citizens to become involved in the debate, with some 250,000 visiting the national websites set up in each Member State in December 2008.