Abruzzo earthquake: Commissioner Hübner announces regional aid boost

Vidurio Italiją sukrėtė galingas žemės drebėjimas

As part of the European Commission's response to the earthquake which hit Italy's Abruzzo region on 6 April, Regional Policy Commissioner Danuta Hübner today announced an extension of the deadline for payment claims from the region's 2000-2006 Cohesion Policy programme.

The one-year extension, to 30 June 2010, means the region will have greater flexibility to use EU money to finance vital restoration work and permit Abruzzo to use every euro from its EUR 193 million allocation from the European Regional Development Fund for the period.

The measure, which follows a request from the Italian government, enters into force today. The request was justified by the exceptional circumstances resulting from the significant physical damage caused by the earthquake.

The Commission is also assisting the Italian authorities with their aid application for support from the EU Solidarity Fund. The deadline for the application is 15 June 2009.

Commissioner Hübner will visit L'Aquila on 14-15 May.